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When people think of implementing more sustainable ways of living, they tend to surround this challenge within their home. However, the majority of the public spend most of their day not in the comfort of their own home, but in offices or their places of work.

This means that implementing sustainable ways to reduce your carbon footprint within your work environment is hugely important.

Below are some of the most effective changes that you can implement into your working day. This will help your workspace to be more environmentally conscious by reducing your carbon footprint and thus the impact you leave on the climate.

Learn About your Company

Learning and understanding the background of your company or workplace and choosing one that specifically mentions its sustainability goals is a great place for you to start.

Working for an environmentally conscious company automatically reduces your carbon footprint due to the replenishable and renewable energy sources that they use to provide electricity and facilities.

This includes companies that switch to renewable energies such as solar power. Or those who only work within their geographical boundaries, thus reducing their overall air miles and carbon emission rates.

However, if your company does not have these goals. Not all is lost, you can implement the ideas below within your workplace to ensure you are doing all you can for the greater good of the environment.

A Paperless World

This is one of the easiest and most effective ideas for an office place to further explore. Some paper may be needed, however, with the increase of email and the ability to access information online, paperless working environments should be strategies that many companies now work within or are working towards.

Working through a cloud-based infrastructure addresses the issue of less waste and paper production. This in turn decreases the amount of greenhouse gases that are created during the manufacturing and distribution of paper.

Go Plastic Free

As you recycle in your house, implementing this across your working day is extremely easy. This means using reusable bottles instead of small plastic cups, as well as switching out further unnecessary plastic products. This can include coffee cups, lids, stirrers, and even plates.

Using Tupperware and reusing items massively decreases the amount of waste your work environment produces. Something as simple as a non-plastic rule in the workplace can make all the difference.

This falls into the 3 R rule. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Following these three rules will ensure a more conscious and sustainable working environment. This goal can be achieved through something as simple as more recycling bins being visible; as well as reminders being sent out to make a reusable and non-waste environment the clear goal for all your colleagues.

Work Trips

Whether you see work trips as a blessing or curse, ensuring you are travelling in the most eco-friendly way can make a huge amount of difference in your carbon footprint.

Car sharing or using public transport such as trains should be prioritised over cheap flights. This is due to the detrimental effect that emissions from planes have on our climate. This can be your responsibility to push and organise, as especially for shorter trips, flying should be the last option you take.


Sunvolt is proudly a sustainable company that strives to implore others to switch to solar energy. This massively contributes to the fight against climate change. Through promoting the benefits of renewable energy services, greenhouse gas emissions will continue to decrease, as we move further into a more sustainable society.

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